Modeling technology

Modeling technology

Enabling Confident and Efficient Execution

Advantage tax equity financing solutions involve a combination of Analytic ServicesProject Finance Training and Modeling Technology tailored to meet client specific needs.

Advantage utilizes and offers a unique modeling technology developed in 1999 by Babcock & Brown, a financial advisory and asset management firm known for its expertise in developing complex financial products and instruments. The technology provides a number of benefits to bolster Client confidence in decision making, improve responsiveness during deals, and reduce deal and tracking costs:

The Technology increases transparency of results, eliciting greater confidence and reducing risk. Capabilities of the technology include:

    • Explicitly defines modeling parameters
    • Produces sets of fully auditable reports – reviewed by tax attorneys and audit firms
    • Calculates a number of financial and accounting indicators (project value drivers) providing the ability to make business trade-offs
  • Pre Tax / After Tax IRR
  • Pre Tax / After Tax NPV
  • Buy-out exposure
  • Tax Efficiency
  • Income (book accounting – HLBV / IFRS)


The Technology is a key enabler for Advantage’s Analytic Services but is also available for Clients to deploy internally to support capability development in-house. It can be downloaded and installed on a desktop workstation in only a few minutes. Advantage provides training and support to drive implementation.